In October 2019, OCB convened a workshop for US-based scientists working at the air-sea interface to identify research priorities and facilitate the communication and collaboration required for future significant research advances. Leadership for this workshop was provided by the Ocean Atmosphere Interaction Committee (OAIC). Emerging from the discussions at the workshop is a new US SOLAS Science Plan to help coalesce the air-sea interaction research community around a common set of science goals and research priorities and foster a more cohesive US contribution to international SOLAS. Please view and download the new science plan via the link below.
Stanley, R, T Bell, Y Gao, C Gaston, D Ho, D Kieber, K Mackey, N Meskhidze, B Miller, H Potter, P Vlahos, P Yager, B Alexander, S Beaupre, S Craig, G Cutter, S Emerson, A Frossard, S Gasso, B Haus, W Keene, W Landing, R Moore, D Ortiz-Suslow, J Palter, F Paulot, E Saltzman, D Thornton, A Wozniak, L Zamora, H Benway. 2021. US SOLAS Science Report. 62pp. DOI 10.1575/1912/27821