June 25-28, 2018 at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Monday, June 25
7:30-9:00 Breakfast (Redfield tent)
Welcome remarks
9:00-9:10 Mark Abbott (President and Director, WHOI) Video (Abbott and Jenkins)
9:10-9:20 Bethany Jenkins (Chair, OCB Scientific Steering Committee) Slides
9:20-9:30 Heather Benway (Exec. Officer, OCB Project Office) Slides Video
Plenary session - Evolutionary insights on marine organism response to climate change: How past and contemporary evolution are shaping the future Chairs: Bethany Jenkins, URI; Tatiana Rynearson, URI (20 min. talks, 5 mins. Qs)
Session Overview - Tatiana Rynearson (URI) Slides Video
9:30-9:55 Rapid evolutionary responses of phytoplankton in fluctuating environments: Slime flies when you are having fun (Elisa Schaum, Univ. Hamburg) Slides Video
9:55-10:20 Competition, trade, and the economics of changing marine microbial ecosystems (Jeff Morris, Univ. Alabama) Slides Video
10:20-10:45 What goes around comes around: Connectivity and microevolution in the plankton (Tatiana Rynearson, Univ. Rhode Island) Slides Video
10:45-11:15 Break
11:15-11:40 Is it who you are or what you do? Evolution of metabolic function shapes ocean biogeochemistry in a gene-based model (Victoria Coles, UMCES) Slides Video
11:40-12:00 Questions and discussion Video
12:00-1:30 Lunch (Redfield tent)
1:30-3:00 Student lightning session Slides Video Playlist
3:00-3:30 Break
3:15-4:30 Agency updates (NOAA (K. Tedesco Slides Video), NASA Video, NSF Video) Q&A
5:00-7:30 Poster Session 1 and Welcome Reception (Clark 507)
Tuesday, June 26
7:30-9:00 Breakfast (Redfield tent)
Community updates
9:00-9:15 2nd International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE2)/U.S. Indian Ocean Science Workshop (Raleigh Hood, UMCES) Slides Video
9:15-9:30 Multiple Stressors Best Practices Guide (Philip Boyd, Univ. Tasmania) Slides Video
Plenary session – Phytoplankton physiological engines of biogeochemical models Chairs: Andrew Barton, SIO; Philip Boyd, UTas; Scott Doney, UVA; Charles Stock, NOAA (20 min. talks, 5 mins. Qs)
Session Overview - Andrew Barton (SIO) Slides
9:30-9:55 Modeling acclimation and adaptation of photosynthesis in microalgae and cyanobacteria (Richard Geider, Univ. Essex) Slides Video (includes Barton Session intro)
9:55-10:20 Interactions matter: phytoplankton physiological responses to simultaneous (micro)nutrient limitations and multiple stressors (Erin Bertrand, Dalhousie) Video
10:20-10:45 Understanding and predicting the regulation of ocean C:N:P and export production (Adam Martiny, UC Irvine) Slides Video
10:45-11:15 Break
11:15-11:40 Physiological diversity matters: A modeling perspective (Stephanie Dutkiewicz, MIT) Slides Video
11:40-12:00 Questions and discussion Video
Community updates
12:00-12:15 NASA PACE Mission (Antonio Mannino, NASA GSFC) Slides Video
12:15-12:30 Biogeochemical-Argo (Matthew Mazloff, SIO) Slides Video
12:30-2:00 Lunch (Redfield tent)
Plenary session – The world of microzooplankton: Ocean carbon movers and shakers Chairs: Ben Twining, Bigelow Laboratory; Steve Archer, Bigelow Laboratory (20 min. talks, 5 mins. Qs)
2:00-2:25 PUAs: Impact on microzooplankton grazing, growth and mortality due to predation (Diane Stoecker, UMCES) Slides Video (includes Session intro by Twining)
2:25-2:50 Preliminary tests of a saturation approach to determine grazing rates and why it might be useful (Steve Archer, Bigelow) Slides Video
2:50-3:15 The ecological and biogeochemical implications of marine mixotrophy (Ben Ward, Univ. Southampton) Video
3:15-3:40 Emerging roles of protists in deep ocean and O2-depleted marine habitats and implications for carbon and other nutrient cycling (Virginia Edgcomb, WHOI) Slides Video
3:40-4:00 Questions and discussion Video
4:00-5:30 Coffee and OCB Networking Session (Redfield tent)
Dinner on your own
Wednesday, June 27
7:30-9:30 Breakfast and Poster Session 2 (Clark 507)
9:00-9:45 Tour of the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility at WHOI (Quissett Campus) – this tour is limited to those who signed up in advance
Plenary Session - A tale of two poles: Arctic and Antarctic responses to global change Chairs: Laurie Juranek, OSU; Matt Long, NCAR (20 min. talks, 5 mins. Qs)
Chasing the new normal: Biogeochemical and ecosystem responses to Arctic change
10:00-10:25 Increased fluxes of shelf-derived materials to the central Arctic Ocean (Lauren Kipp, WHOI) Slides Video
10:25-10:50 Recent changes in phytoplankton productivity and phenology in the Arctic Ocean (Mathieu Ardyna, Stanford Univ.) Slides Video
10:50-11:15 Use of profiling floats for real-time in-situ observations in the Arctic (Pelle Robbins, WHOI) Slides Video
11:15-11:40 Subtropical symbiotic cyanobacteria fix N2 in Arctic waters: What does it all mean? (Jon Zehr, Univ. California, Santa Cruz) Video
11:40-12:00 Questions and discussion Video
12:00-1:30 Lunch (Redfield tent)
Defining normal: Biogeochemical and ecosystem understanding of the Southern Ocean
1:30-1:55 Exchange, change, and rearrange: Dynamic ecosystem processes along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (Jeff Bowman, SIO) Slides Video (incl. M. Long session intro)
1:55-2:20 Sub-seasonal variability in driving physical and biogeochemical dynamics in the Southern Ocean (Magdalena Carranza, SIO) Slides Video
2:20-2:45 Estimating normal: Synthesizing the SOCCOM array with an ocean model (Matthew Mazloff, SIO) Slides Video
2:45-3:10 BESO(ME): Biogeochemistry and Ecology of the Southern Ocean (and Mode water Export) (Barney Balch, Bigelow Laboratory) Slides Related Video Video of talk
3:10-3:30 Questions and discussion Video
3:30-6:30 Free time until dinner
3:45-5:30 Agency program manager panel with early career scientists (Smith Conference Room)
6:30-9:00 Workshop dinner (Redfield tent)
Thursday, June 28
7:30-8:45 Breakfast (Redfield tent)
Plenary session - It's about time: Insights from long-term marine ecological monitoring programs Chairs: Angel White, OSU, Maria Kavanaugh, OSU (20 min. talks, 5 mins. Qs)
8:45-9:10 Integrating biological and environmental time series to understand and manage changing marine ecosystems (Gabrielle Canonico, NOAA IOOS) Slides Video
9:10-9:35 Linking pelagic community structure with ecosystem dynamics and production regimes on the changing Northeast US Shelf (Heidi Sosik, WHOI) Slides Video
9:35-10:00 Two decades of monthly biophysical sampling of the coastal ocean off Newport, Oregon and how this informs fisheries (Jennifer Fisher, NOAA NWFSC) Slides Video
10:00-10:25 Break
10:25-10:50 Climate and bottom up forcing of phytoplankton biomass and primary production in the southern California Current System (Ralf Goericke, SIO) Video
10:50-11:15 Biogeochemical variability linked to sea surface height and mesoscale dipoles in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (Benedetto Barone, Univ. Hawaii) Slides Video
11:15-11:40 Climate variability and change: Time series observations from a coastal ocean (Francisco Chavez, MBARI) Slides Video
11:40-12:05 From here to eternity: What’s in store for time-series? (Laura Lorenzoni, NASA/Univ. South Florida) Slides Video
12:05-12:30 Questions and discussion
12:30 Closing remarks, adjourn meeting Video
12:30 Lunch (Redfield tent)
1:30-5:00 OCB Scientific Steering Committee Meeting (Clark 271, Quissett Campus) (SSC members and agency representatives only)
2018 OCB Summer Workshop Participant List (as of June 18, 2018)
Agenda, plenary descriptions, participant list, poster and other local info = click to download or view.
First author | Poster Title | Session or General |
Archibald, Kevin | Modeling the impact of zooplankton diel vertical migration on the carbon export flux of the biological pump | General |
Arroyo, Mar | CO2 System Dynamics in the Dalton Polynya, East Antarctica | Polar |
Bif, Mariana | Using cruises and Bio-Argo floats data to estimate dissolved organic carbon in the Northeast Pacific Ocean | Time-series |
Bochdansky, Alexander | Net carbon remineralization (defined here as CO2 release) of stable isotope-labeled phytoplankton measured in the mesopelagic environment with a newly designed deep-sea incubator | Microzooplankton |
Bociu, Ioana | Initial DECK analysis of the carbon cycle in GFDL's CM4 contribution to CMIP6 | Time-series |
Boyd, Philip | A web-based Best Practice Guide to design marine multiple driver experiments | General |
Buchanan, Pearse | Marine nitrogen fixers crucial for dust-driven strengthening of the biological carbon pump | Phytoplankton/models |
Busecke, Julius | How important are forced changes in the equatorial current system for the extent of tropical oxygen minimum zones? | General |
Cael, B.B. | A metabolic model of biogeochemistry | Phytoplankton/models |
Campbell, Robert *C. Ashjian, presenting |
Mesozooplankton are not herbivores: The importance of microzooplankton in mesozooplankton diets and in arctic and sub-arctic trophic linkages | Microzooplankton |
Chappell, P. Dreux | Both dissolved iron and coastal water additions to Southern Drake Passage waters stimulate similar growth responses and shifts in diatom community composition. | Polar |
Chien, Chia-Te | An Optimality-Based Non-Redfield Ecosystem Model for the UVic-ESCM | Phytoplankton/models |
Cohen, Natalie | Nitrate, iron and B12 metabolism in eukaryotic phytoplankton across a geochemical gradient in the central Pacific Ocean | Microzooplankton |
Craig, Susanne | The EXPORTS (EXport Processes in the Ocean from Remote Sensing) Project – Unique Challenges for Data Management and Synthesis | General |
Cruz, Bianca | Molecular and microscopic characterization of sinking particles at the Bermuda-Atlantic Time Series Study station (BATS) | General |
Curry, Ruth | withdrawn | |
Dam, Hans | Rapid Adaptation of a Marine Copepod to a Greenhouse World | Evolution |
Durkin, Colleen | Organismal contents of sinking particles identify biological source and ecological interactions that lead to carbon export | Phytoplankton/models |
Erickson, Zachary | Seasonal cycle of variability, instabilities, and subduction at submesoscales | General |
Eveleth, Rachel | Geostatistical analysis of North Atlantic mesoscale biophysical variability in an eddy resolving CESM run | General |
Fassbender, Andrea | Seasonal asymmetry in the evolution of surface ocean pCO2 drivers | General |
Feng, Zhixuan | Benthic Biological Hotspots in the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas: Spatial Distributions and Environmental Drivers | Polar |
Franzè, Gayantonia | Quantifying Temperature Dependence of the Growth Rates of Planktonic Grazers | Microzooplankton |
Freilich, Mara | Non-linearity required to model wintertime phytoplankton growth | Microzooplankton |
Fu, Feixue | Physiological Plasticity and Potential Adaptive Responses of Two Diazotrophs after Long-term Growth at Three Different Temperatures | Evolution |
Galdies, Charles *R. Guerra presenting |
Variability in oceanic CO2 parameters in the North Atlantic Subtropical gyre: a neural network approach | Time-series |
Gardner, Wilford | Decadal comparisons of Particulate Matter in Repeat Transects in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean Basins | Time-series |
Gloege, Luke | Evaluating pCO2 interpolation methods using large ensembles | General |
Gómez-Consarnau, Laura | Exploring the impacts of Proteorhodopsin phototrophy in the expanding oligotrophic ocean | Evolution |
Grunert, Brice | Seeing molecules from space: Tools for optically estimating CDOM composition | General |
Guerra, Roberta | A 3-year time series of downward particle fluxes and carbon export in Southern Adriatic (Mediterranean Sea) | Time-series |
Harrison, Cheryl | Mesoscale effects on carbon export: a global perspective | General |
Holder, Chris | Random forests and a potential function for the Chesapeake Bay | General |
Holland, Laura Z. | Comparison of bacteria recruited by axenic Southern Ocean diatoms under iron stress | General |
Howard, Evan | Fish habitat compression by temperature-dependent hypoxia in the California Current System | Time-series |
Ito, Taka | Mechanisms of low-frequency oxygen variability in the North Pacific | General |
Kelly, Thomas | Spatial and interannual variability in export efficiency and the biological pump in an eastern boundary current upwelling system with substantial lateral advection | Time-series |
Kim, Hyewon | Data assimilative ecosystem modeling of bacterial dynamics and upper-ocean carbon cycling in the coastal West Antarctic Peninsula | Polar |
Kinkade, Danie | BCO-DMO data stewardship support thoughout the research data life cycle | General |
Latto, Rebecca | Ocean Carbon States based on k-means cluster analysis | General |
Letscher, Robert | Pico-phytoplankton controls on global ocean carbon export and C:N:P stoichiometry patterns | Phytoplankton/models |
Li, Zuchuan | Theoretical considerations on factors confounding the interpretation of the oceanic carbon export ratio | General |
Liao, Enhui | Ocean carbon sink response to ENSO and impacts on atmospheric CO2 | General |
Liu, Ziao | Quantifying the role of river nutrient loading in the global coastal ocean | Phytoplankton/models |
Maas, Amy | Circadian physiology in zooplankton | General |
Mannino, Antonio | Arctic-COLORS (Arctic-COastal Land Ocean inteRactionS) | Polar |
Mayot, Nicolas | Assessing Phytoplankton Activities in the Seasonal Ice Zone of the Greenland Sea over an Annual Cycle | Polar |
McNair, Heather | Diatom populations in an upwelling environment decrease silica content to avoid growth limitation | Phytoplankton/models |
Morison, Françoise | Constraining biological rates governing the North Atlantic annual cycle in phytoplankton biomass. | Microzooplankton |
Mouw, Colleen | A satellite perspective of environmental controls of phytoplankton community size structure | Phytoplankton/models |
Oakes, Rosie | Organic periostracum protects pteropod shells from dissolution in aragonite undersaturated waters | Polar |
Oliver, Hilde | A nitrogen-silicon-iron ROMS biogeochemical model for the Labrador Sea | Phytoplankton/models |
Omta, Anne Willem | Wasteful algae? Turnover of C, N, and P in the chlorophyte Selenastrum minutum | Phytoplankton/models |
Pedrosa-Pàmies, Rut | Impact of Hurricane Nicole on carbon cycling in the Sargasso Sea water column: Insights from lipid biomarkers in suspended and sinking particles | Time-series |
Pham, Anh | Parameterizing Multiple Ligand Classes Improves the Simulation of Dissolved Iron in the Subtropical North Atlantic | General |
Proctor, Chris | The SeaBASS Archive and Validation System: Data and tools for researchers and ocean color satellite match-ups | General |
Prowe, Friederike | Which future would you like? Biogeochemical model sensitivity to temperature dependent plankton processes | General |
Reimers, Clare | Benthic Oxygen Respiration Rates on the Oregon Shelf in Winter and Spring | General |
Richardson, Tammi | Tales of the cryptophytes: acclimation to variations in underwater spectral irradiance | Evolution |
Ridge, Sean | Projected Increases in Arctic Freshwater Export Reduce the North Atlantic Anthropogenic Carbon Sink | Polar |
Rohr, Tyler | Simulated eddy induced bottom-up controls on phytoplankton growth in the Southern Ocean | Phytoplankton/models |
Saito, Mak | Best Practices for Data Sharing of Ocean Metaproteomic Data Workshop Results | Phytoplankton/models |
Siegel, Dave | The EXPORTS NE Pacific Field Program | General |
Signori, Camila | Dark carbon fixation in the pelagic zones of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean | General |
Smith, Walker | Report of the Ross Sea Working Group Meeting | Polar |
Stamieszkin, Karen | Remobilized volcanic ash may support autotrophic production in the oligotrophic subarctic Pacific Ocean | General |
Stewart, Gillian | Where and when to apply the 210Po/210Pb method to calculate particle export; lessons learned from the results of 3 GEOTRACES cruises and historical measurements in the global ocean | General |
Stoeven, Tim | Nutrient maxima along the East Siberian Sea | Polar |
Stukel, Michael | Large Phaeodaria in the Twilight Zone: Their Roles in the Carbon and Silica Cycles | Microzooplankton |
Subhas, Adam | Evidence for shallow respiration-driven carbonate dissolution in the North Pacific Ocean | General |
Sun, Daoxun | A simulation of phytoplankton bloom in the Labrador Sea | General |
Tang, Weiyi | Machine learning estimates of biological nitrogen fixation in the world’s oceans and comparison to other models | General |
Taylor, Gordon | A new method to measure inter- and intra-specific variability in primary productivity: Stable isotope probing and single-cell resonance raman microspectrometry | Phytoplankton/models |
Thibodeau, Patricia | Environmental controls on pteropod phenology along the Western Antarctic Peninsula | Time-series |
Tseng, Chun-Mao | Quantifying controls on sea surface pCO2 dynamics in the East China Sea: the role of bio-uptake effect | General |
Twining, Benjamin | Speciation of iron regenerated through grazing | Microzooplankton |
Van Oostende, Nicolas | Phytoplankton production from community to cell-specific rates | Phytoplankton/models |
Wallace, Joselynn | Following diatom response to ocean acidification in mesocosm experiments with metatranscriptome sequencing indicates contrasting CO2 responses in Skeletonema and Thalassiosira diatoms | Evolution |
Wang, Guoqing | Concentrations of multiple phytoplankton pigments in the global oceans obtained from MERIS | Phytoplankton/models |
Wang, Seaver | Variability in North Atlantic marine microbial communities in relation to patterns of nutrient availability, nitrogen fixation, and net community production. | General |
Werdell, Jeremy | Overview of the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission | General |
Xie, Yuyuan | Diel patterns of variable fluorescence and carbon fixation of picocyanobacteria Prochlorococcus-dominated phytoplankton in the South China Sea basin | Phytoplankton/models |
Zhang, Ying | Simulating marine microbial metabolism using genome-scale models | Evolution |