Please send job and postdoc listings (include title, location, link to full listing and close date) to
OCB Postdoc Exchange!
- Open-rank tenure-track position in Stable isotope geochemistry at Oregon State University (apply by April 4 for full consideration)
- Lectureship in Marine Science based in the School of Environmental Sciences, Univ. East Anglia, apply by May 2
Visiting Assistant Professor of Geosciences at Oberlin College in the field of oceanography, limnology, or climate science. Review of applications will begin on February 23, 2025.
- Research Associate in Oceanic Blue Carbon 2-year position based at Imperial College London. Closes April 1
- Research Scientist - Microbial Oceanography at National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, Great Britain. Closes 06/03/2025
- Deep-sea benthic biologist - Assistant Professor: SIO is searching for a tenure-track faculty member in the area of deep-sea benthic biology. Application review beginning February 3
- Oceanographer at DTU Aqua: We are seeking broadly for an scientist to be responsible for our teaching in physical oceanography. However, we are open to the specific profile of the position. Closes March 16
- IBSS is hiring an Ocean Color Remote Sensing Specialist (#25-00280) to work with a team of NOAA and NASA scientists at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center to develop an accurate coastal chlorophyll product. Deadline March 31
- Research Associate II at the Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS), University of Miami. The principal objectives of the position will be to manage several molecular biology lab spaces to support NOAA’s growing efforts in ‘Omics. The work will involve close collaboration with scientists at NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML), where the applicant will be physically stationed.
- Postdoctoral Fellow or Research Associate III -The University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI) is seeking a full-time Research Scientist Associate III. Candidates who obtained PhD within three years can be considered as Postdoc Fellow. The successful candidate will be involved in dynamic research activities in the research lab of Dr. Zhanfei Liu ( The candidate will also have the freedom to develop their own research projects. The research in Liu Lab focuses on understanding sources, fates and transformation of natural and anthropogenic organic matter, such as dissolved and particulate organic matter, petroleum hydrocarbons, and micro- and nanoplastics. The Liu Lab is well equipped with state-of-the-art analytical instruments, such as high-resolution liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography mass spectrometry, and infrared spectroscopy etc. Apply by 31 January
- Deep-Sea Benthic Biologist Assistant Professor position at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Next review date February 3
- Research specialist or research technician wanted to join the BGC-Argo data team at MBARI. The candidate will assist with the management of data from BGC-Argo floats, primarily deployed through the SOCCOM and GO-BGC projects. Open until filled but we will start reviewing applications in the next several weeks from December 3
- Physical oceanography tenure track faculty position in the Ocean Sciences Department at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Sciences (formerly RSMAS, now RSMAES) at the University of Miami. Application review begins Dec. 15, 2024
- Tenure-track position (very broadly defined) at University of Pennsylvania. Review of applicants will begin on November 20, 2024, and continue until the position is filled.
- Associate Professional Specialist in Oceanography or more senior researcher in the area of ocean circulation and biogeochemistry modeling to work with Professor Laure Resplandy in the Geosciences Department at Princeton University.
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Marine Carbon Cycle Science, University of Bergen/Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research to work on the North Atlantic air-sea CO2 uptake, including supervising the autonomous pCO2 measurements that we have been conducting on the Tukuma Arctica since 2004. The position is part of the ICOS infrastructure and there are ample opportunities for networking and career development. Apply by March 6
- Postdoctoral Scholar in Marine carbon flux and food web ecology at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and University of Miami to research the role of mesopelagic animal gut microbiomes in transforming organic matter as it transits through the deep ocean water column. Candidates should contact Anela Choy ( and Hilary Close ( for more information.
- Postdoctoral Fellow or Research Associate III -The University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI) is seeking a full-time Research Scientist Associate III. Candidates who obtained PhD within three years can be considered as Postdoc Fellow. The successful candidate will be involved in dynamic research activities in the research lab of Dr. Zhanfei Liu ( The candidate will also have the freedom to develop their own research projects. The research in Liu Lab focuses on understanding sources, fates and transformation of natural and anthropogenic organic matter, such as dissolved and particulate organic matter, petroleum hydrocarbons, and micro- and nanoplastics. The Liu Lab is well equipped with state-of-the-art analytical instruments, such as high-resolution liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography mass spectrometry, and infrared spectroscopy etc. Apply by 31 January
- Postdoctoral Investigator at WHOI – Biology: Coupled Physical, Biogeochemical, and Ecological Food Web Modeling of the Northwest Atlantic Ecosystem
- The Seascape Ecology Lab at Oregon State University will be hiring at least two postdoctoral scholars, a phytoplankton ecologist and seascape ecologist. Apply by December 31
- Postdoc Opportunity in Biogeochemical State Estimation in the SOCCOM3 Project at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, CA. Open until filled, with preference to applications received by January 6, 2025.
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position: Ocean Biogeochemical Modeling at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. Completed applications received by January 17, 2025 will receive full consideration, however the posting will remain open until the position is filled.
- Postdoc, Physical-Biological Interactions at Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Open until filled
- Postdoc in regional to global cycling of atmospheric O2 and CO2. We invite qualified applicants to apply for a postdoctoral scholar position within the lab of Professor Ralph Keeling at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). Please e-mail a curriculum vitae with publications list, a statement of research interests and contact information for two references to Eric Morgan at Postdoctoral Employment | Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- The NOAA Ocean Acidification Program seeks candidates for four postdoctoral positions to synthesize data in four main topic areas. This opportunity is being offered by the National Research Council’s Research Associateship Program. Interested applicants can learn more about the opportunities here. Eligibility requirements and application process information is available here. The best point of contact for each opportunity can be found on the position pages. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until a qualified candidate is accepted or until Feb. 1, 2025.
- Multiple PhD and PDF positions available at Dalhousie University- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Open until filled
- International Post-doctoral Fellowships in Marine Sciences in one of the ISblue laboratories (Western Brittany, France). Deadline: March 31, 2025
- Postdoctoral scholar in ocean acidification indicators (Seattle: $70k/yr). Closes 02/28/2025
- Postdoctoral scholar in emerging ocean technology (Seattle: $70k/yr). Closes 01/31/2025
- Postdoc opportunity combining high-thoughput metagenomics with stable isotope probing to link environmental microbes to biogeochemical cycling at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Center for Computational Intelligence to Predict Health and Environmental Risks. Start date flexible (fall 2024-summer 2025). Rolling deadline
- Postdoctoral researcher for a two-year project to investigate patterns in phytoplankton community composition across molecular time series collected at the Ellen Browning Scripps Memorial Pier at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and the Cal Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly, San Louis Obispo) Pier at Avila Beach. The position will be open until filled and applicants should reach out jointly to Dr. Bowman ( and Dr. Pasulka ( with a copy of their CV and a brief expression of interest. Open until filled
- Post-doc to work on ocean biophysical interactions at Sorbonne University, Paris. Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.