The CMIP6 Hackathon will be a hands-on event including tutorials, software development, data analysis, and opportunities for collaboration centered around effective computational workflows and CMIP-related science.
The event will be held concurrently at two locations: the NCAR Mesa Lab, in Boulder CO, and the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, in Palisades NY. Limited funding is available to support travel and lodging, with preference given to early career scientists. Participants will be selected on the basis of interests, experience, and potential to contribute to collaborative initiatives. People from observational or application-related backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Application deadline: 31 July 2019.
The CMIP6 Hackathon Team: Matthew Long (NCAR), Ryan Abernathy (Columbia/LDEO), John Dunne (NOAA/GFDL), Joseph Hamman (NCAR), Flavio Lehner (NCAR), Galen McKinley (Columbia/LDEO), Angeline Pendergrass (NCAR), Isla Simpson (NCAR), and Kevin Paul (NCAR)
More information:
Read the Hackathon Report.