Marine organisms require many elements for their survival such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nutrients (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon), and trace elements (e.g., iron, cobalt, cadmium, zinc). The OCB community is interested in the biogeochemical cycling of these elements in the ocean and how they are changing through time. As the ocean absorbs more of this CO2, it is changing the chemistry of the seawater, a process called ocean acidification (OA). In addition to OA, the oceans are undergoing many other concurrent changes in chemistry, including deoxygenation and pollution from nutrients and other sources. OCB researchers seek to understand the key drivers and dynamics of ocean chemistry changes and their implications for marine life and human communities.
Click to see posts related to Changing Ocean Chemistry
4th Ocean Acidification Principal Investigators Meeting (2018)
3rd Ocean Acidification Principal Investigators Meeting (2015)
2nd Ocean Acidification Principal Investigators Meeting (2013)
1st Ocean Acidification Principal Investigators Meeting (2011)
OCB Scoping Workshop on Ocean Acidification (2007)
OCB Ocean Acidification Short Course (2009)
United States
NOAA Ocean Acidification Program
Northeast Coastal Acidification Network (NECAN)
California Current Acidification Network (C-CAN)
Southeast Ocean and Coastal Acidification Network (SOCAN)
Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN)
SCOR Working Group 145 Chemical Speciation Modelling in Seawater to Meet 21st Century Needs
Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE)
Latin American OCean Acidification (LAOCA) Network
Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) portal
Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC)
Ocean Acidification International Reference User Group (OAiRUG)
Ocean Acidification Africa Network
Products & Publications
Baumann, H. 2016. Combined effects of ocean acidification, warming, and hypoxia on marine organisms. Limnology and Oceanography e-Lectures 6:1-43.
Benway, H. M., S. R. Cooley, S. C. Doney (2010). A catalyst for ocean acidification research and collaboration: Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Short Course on Ocean Acidification; Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 2–13 November 2009. Eos Trans. AGU 91 (12).
Bockmon, E. E., A.G. Dickson (2015). An inter-laboratory comparison assessing the quality of seawater carbon dioxide measurements. Marine Chemistry, 171: 36–43, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2015.02.002.
Boyd, PW, Collins, S, Dupont, S, Fabricius, K, Gattuso, J-P, Havenhand, J, Hutchins, DA, McGraw, CM, Riebesell, U, Vichi, M, Biswas, H, Ciotti, A, Dillingham, P, Gao, K, Gehlen, M, Hurd, CL, Kurihawa, H, , Navarro, J, Nilsson, GE, Passow, U and Portner, H-O (2019). SCOR WG149 Handbook to support the SCOR Best Practice Guide for ‘Multiple Drivers’ Marine Research. (Website:
Cooley, S. R. (2011). OCB Ocean Acidification Principal Investigators' Meeting. Meeting report.
Dickson, A.G., Sabine, C.L. and Christian, J.R. (Eds.) 2007. Guide to best practices for ocean CO2 measurements. PICES Special Publication 3, 191 pp.
Fabry, V. J., C. Langdon, W. M. Balch, A. G. Dickson, R. A. Feely, B. Hales, D. A. Hutchins, J. A. Kleypas, and C. L. Sabine (2009): Present and future impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles, Report of the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Scoping Workshop on Ocean Acidification Research (UCSD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; 9–11 October 2007).
Fabry, V. J., C. Langdon, W. M. Balch, A. G. Dickson, R. A. Feely, B. Hales, D. A. Hutchins, J. A. Kleypas, and C. L. Sabine (2008). Ocean acidification’s effects on marine ecosystems and biogeochemistry: Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry scoping workshop on ocean acidification research. Eos 89(15): 143.
Feely, Richard A. and Doney, Scott (2011). Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem. ASLO Web Lectures, doi: 10.4319/lol.2011.rfeely_sdoney.5.
Feely, R. A. et al. (2010). An international observational network for ocean acidification. Ocean Obs '09 Community white paper.
Jiang, Li-Qing, Arzayus, Krisa M., Gattuso, Jean-Pierre, Garcia, Hernan E., Chandler, Cynthia, Kozyr, Alex, Yang, Yan, Thomas, Rob, Beck, Brian and Spears, Tobias. 2016. How to Document - Ocean Acidification Data. Limnology and Oceanography e-Lectures, doi: 10.1002/loe2.10004.
OCB Subcommittee on Ocean Acidification (2010). OCB response to the EPA call for public comment on addressing ocean acidification in the 303(d) program.
OCB Subcommittee on Ocean Acidification (2009). OCB response to the EPA Notice of Data Availability on ocean acidification.
Paytan, Adina and Hönisch, Bärbel. 2016. Ocean Acidification - A Paleo Perspective. Limnology and Oceanography e-Lectures, doi: 10.1002/loe2.10003.
Riebesell U., Fabry V. J., Hansson L. & Gattuso J.-P. (Eds.) (2010). Guide to best practices for ocean acidification research and data reporting, 260 p. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Special issue on Emerging Topics in Ocean Acidification Science (2015). Oceanography 28(2).
Special issue on Changing Ocean Chemistry (2014). Oceanography 27(1).
Special Issue on the Future of Ocean Biogeochemistry in a High-CO2 World (2009). Oceanography 22(4).
Policy & Planning
Implementation of the Strategic Plan for Federal Research and Monitoring of Ocean Acidification (2016)
Strategic plan for federal research and monitoring of ocean acidification (2014)
National Research Council (2010). Ocean Acidification: A National Strategy to Meet the Challenges of a Changing Ocean, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.
Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act (FOARAM) (2009)
OCB Subcommittee on Ocean Acidification (2009). Ocean Acidification - Recommended Strategy for a U.S. National Research Program, Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program, 14 pp.
Outreach & Communication
Deoxygenation news site for scientists, stakeholders and the interested public
3rd GOA-ON workshop Summary for Policymakers
GOA-ON's Pier2Peer Program
Twenty Facts about Ocean Acidification
OCB FAQs about Ocean Acidification
OCB Ocean Acidification lab/outreach kit
The Calcification Challenge: Experience Ocean Acidification from a Coral Reef’s Point of View
Global Carbon Cycle Interactive
C-MORE Ocean Acidification Science Kit (OCB hosts this kit for US east coast teachers)
Deeply Invested: Coral Reefs and the Future of Florida (Ocean Conservancy video)
Ocean Acidification: Starting with the Science (NAS)