U.S. and India Science Colloquium: Earth Observations and Sciences for Society and Economy
1. NEW MEETING DATES: June 11-12, 2018; Goa, India
As you may recall, the Colloquium was planned around a port call scheduled for the NOAA research vessel Ronald H. Brown in Goa, India, between the US GO-SHIP I7N cruise and the RAMA array service cruise in the Indian Ocean. The R/V Brown recently encountered a major mechanical breakdown and is currently undergoing repairs. Despite significant impacts to the ship’s 2018 field season, both the GO-SHIP and RAMA cruises were retained with a three-month delay. Recognizing the importance of these cruises and the significance of the R/V Brown’s presence in India, the Colloquium organizers agreed to keep the events coupled. For the sake of planning and the participants, the Colloquium dates are now set, regardless of any further delays to the ship’s schedule. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused for your travel schedule.
Based on the initial expressions of interest and proposed topics from both sides, the organizers have jointly developed the following meeting themes and sub-topics:
- Services for Society and Economy
- Utilization of observations for operational activities
- Forecasting Science for Services
- Ocean Observing
- Observation networks in the Indian Ocean – current and future
- Observations from the Southern Ocean
- Cryospheric Research
- Teleconnection between Poles (Arctic, Antarctic and Himalaya) and tropics.
- Ocean and Atmospheric Modeling and Prediction
- Ocean, Coastal and atmospheric modeling
- Tsunami modelling (including use of GPS in rupture modelling)
- Tropical Cyclones
- Indian Ocean and Monsoon
- Ecosystem Science and Research
- Collaborations in Living Marine Resources and Ecosystems Research
- Identification and exploration of hydrothermal Vents
- Bio-geochemistry of Indian Ocean
- Toward the Future
- The future plans, IIOE-2 and Monsoon Mission
- Indian Ocean dynamics – what we learned from MoES-NOAA collaboration
*National Visions for a Blue Economy will be a cross-cutting theme of many sessions, including the plenary.
The call for presentations is open from now, through March 14, 2018. If you plan to present at the Colloquium, please submit the following information to edward.gorecki@noaa.gov:
- Name (including any professional prefix/suffix)
- Affiliation & professional title
- Theme/sub-topic*
- Presentation title
- 3-4 sentence description of presentation
* If your presentation does not fall well enough under one of the existing sub-topics, please indicate as such and recommend a new category. We will propose this to the Indian organizing team.
- Notifications of the selected list of presentations and a draft agenda will be distributed at the end of March.
- Information on hotels and other associated events will be forthcoming.
- Participants will be responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses.
- You are encouraged to reach out to your Indian counterparts regarding your participation.
Please share this with relevant U.S. colleagues. If you have any questions in the meantime, please let me know.