The primary focus of the Ocean Time-series Committee (OTC) is shipboard time-series stations, but this committee also seeks to improve existing and develop new ocean observing capabilities in support of OCB science, including autonomous instrument time-series. OTC continually works to align the evolving scientific needs of the OCB community with existing ocean observing capabilities and draw attention to critical observational gaps. For more detailed information, please contact the Project Office and/or view the OTC charge and terms of reference.

Matt Church Univ. of Montana
Michael DeGrandpre Univ. of Montana
Stephanie Henson National Oceanography Centre
Richard Lampitt National Oceanography Centre
Naomi Levine (co-chair) Univ. of Southern California
David Nicholson Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.
Oscar Schofield Rutgers Univ.
Heidi Sosik Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.
Angel White (co-chair) Univ. Hawai'i
Products and Publications
Astor, Y. M., Lorenzoni, L. & Scranton, M. I. (eds.) (2011). Handbook of methods for the analysis of oceanographic parameters at the Cariaco Time Series Station.
Benway, H. M., L. Lorenzoni, A. E. White, B. Fiedler, N. M. Levine, D. P. Nicholson, M. D. DeGrandpre, H. M. Sosik, M. J. Church, T. D. O’Brien, M. Leinen, R. A. Weller, D. M. Karl, S. A. Henson, R. M. Letelier (2019). Ocean time series observations of changing marine ecosystems: An era of integration, synthesis, and societal applications. Frontiers in Marine Science,
International Ocean Time-Series Network website
Neuer, S., H. Benway, N. Bates, C. Carlson, M. Church, M. DeGrandpre, J. Dunne, R. Letelier, M. Lomas, L. Lorenzoni, F. Muller-Karger, M. J. Perry, P. Quay (2017). Monitoring ocean change in the 21st Century. Eos 98, doi:10.1029/2017EO080045 (published on 08 September 2017).
Neuer, S., H. Benway, N. Bates, C. Carlson, M. Church, M. DeGrandpre, J. Dunne, R. Letelier, M. Lomas, L. Lorenzoni, F. Muller-Karger, M. J. Perry, P. Quay (2016). The importance of monitoring Earth’s largest ecosystem. Science eLetter 354 (published October 28, 2016). OCB Post
O’Brien, T. D., Lorenzoni, L., Isensee, K., and Valdés, L. (Eds). 2017. What are Marine Ecological Time Series telling us about the ocean? A status report. IOC-UNESCO, IOC Technical Series, No. 129: 297 pp.
Find more information about OCB and partner program time-series activities and publications on the ocean observations page.