OCB network members remain heavily involved in BGC-Argo, but this subcommittee is no longer active with the establishment of the NSF-funded Global Ocean Biogeochemistry (GO-BGC) Array and its external advisory committee. To continue growing and supporting a large community of biogeochemical float data users, GO-BGC and OCB are launching a BGC-Argo webinar series on March 30, 2022.
OCB topical subcommittee focused on Biogeochemical-Argo (2017-2021)
From ~2017-2021, this committee served as a focal point for US community input on the implementation of a global biogeochemical float array and associated science program development (see May 2017 Biogeochemical-Argo Subcommittee Meeting). This committee also engaged with and provided US input to the International Biogeochemical-Argo steering committee.

Brendan Carter - NOAA/PMEL
Scott Doney - Univ. Virginia
John Dunne - NOAA/GFDL
Steve Emerson - Univ. of Washington
Meg Estapa - Skidmore College
Alison Gray - Princeton Univ.
Ken Johnson - Monterey Bay Research Inst. (Chair)
Todd Martz - Scripps Inst. Oceanography
Matt Mazloff - Scripps Inst. Oceanography
Melissa Omand - Univ. Rhode Island
Steve Riser - Univ. of Washington
Joellen Russell - Univ. of Arizona
Jorge Sarmiento - Princeton Univ.
Megan Scanderbeg - Scripps Inst. Oceanography, Ex-officio for Argo Data Management Team
Yui Takeshita - Monterey Bay Research Inst.
Lynne Talley - Scripps Inst. Oceanography, Ex-officio for GO-SHIP
Toby Westberry - Oregon State Univ.
Cara Wilson - NOAA/PFEL
Executive committee: Emerson, Johnson, Riser, Talley, Wilson
Technical subcommittee: Carter, Estapa, Martz, Omand, Riser, Takeshita
Science subcommittee: Emerson, Gray, Mazloff, Russell, Westberry