Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Committee

OAIC - Ocean-Atmosphere OCB SubCommittee

The scientific focus of this subcommittee is on ocean-atmosphere interactions and their role in marine biogeochemical cycles. There is a substantial overlap between the scientific goals of the OCB and SOLAS (Surface Ocean and Lower Atmosphere) communities, and this subcommittee seeks to strengthen communication and collaboration between ocean and atmospheric scientists to create a thriving, collaborative air-sea interaction research community in the US. View the charge and terms of reference for this subcommittee.

WIldfires, mCDR and more great content – SOLAS eNews

SOLAS Update — Newsletter March 2025 The Influence of Natural, Anthropogenic, and Wildfire Sources on Iron and Zinc Aerosols Delivered to the North Pacific Ocean Global Carbonate Chemistry Gradients Reveal a Negative Feedback on Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Read this and more here

OAIC – give us input for NASA decadal survey

Do you do science related to the air-sea interactions? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Funding agencies often rely on the science community to identify and prioritize leading-edge scientific questions and required observations. NASA and its partners ask the National Research Council (NRC) once every decade to look out 10 years into the […]

SOLAS Social Gathering during 2025 XMAS

SOLAS warmly invites everyone to join us in Xiamen for an evening of reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones. The gathering took place on Tuesday, 14 January 2025.

OAIC gathering at AGU Fall Meeting 2024

People interested in ocean-atmosphere interactions and SOLAS are meeting up for drinks at AGU –  please come if you can. Everyone is welcome. The meetup will be on Thurs. Dec. 12 at 6:00 PM in Dacha Beer Garden. 1600 7th St NW, Washington DC 20001

AGU 2024 Session: A037 – Aquatic Aerosols: From Microscale Processes to Impacts on Clouds and Climate

American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, December 2024, Washington DC A037 – Aquatic Aerosols: From Microscale Processes to Impacts on Clouds and Climate Conveners: Hosein Foroutan (Virginia Tech), Ernie R Lewis (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Amanda A Frossard (University of Georgia), Meinrat O Andreae (Max Planck; UCSD), Raymond Leibensperger III (University of California San Diego) https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/prelim.cgi/Session/230048


International SOLAS

OAIC-hosted Air-Sea Workshop (2018)

more resources coming soon! Suggestions welcome.


Stanley, R, T Bell, Y Gao, C Gaston, D Ho, D Kieber, K Mackey, N Meskhidze, B Miller, H Potter, P Vlahos, P Yager, B Alexander, S Beaupre, S Craig, G Cutter, S Emerson, A Frossard, S Gasso, B Haus, W Keene, W Landing, R Moore, D Ortiz-Suslow, J Palter, F Paulot, E Saltzman, D Thornton, A Wozniak, L Zamora, H Benway. 2021. US SOLAS Science Report. 62pp. DOI 10.1575/1912/27821 Download the PDF

Contact the committee via  OAIC@whoi.edu

Rachel Stanley (Chair) - Wellesley College

Yassir Eddebbar - USCB

Amanda Frossard - UGA

Yuan Gao - Rutgers

Cassandra Gaston - Univ. Miami, RSMAS

David Ho - Univ. Hawaii

David Kieber - SUNY Syracuse

Kate Mackey - UC Irvine

Nicholas Meskhidze - NC State Univ.

Bill Miller - Univ. Georgia

Una Miller (URI)

Henry Potter (Early Career) - Texas A&M Univ.

Penny Vlahos - Univ. Connecticut