Welcome to the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Network! You can read about our scientific focus areas, activities, and publications on each topical page:
- Changing Ocean Chemistry
- Ocean Carbon Uptake and Storage
- Estuarine and Coastal Carbon Fluxes
- Changing Marine Ecosystems
- Biological Pump
- Ocean Observatories
Ways to get involved
Sign up for the Ocean Carbon Exchange, our biweekly eNewsletter (this replaces the ocb-all email listserv)
Follow us on Twitter and tag @US_OCB in your tweets
Send job, postdoc and student opportunity announcements, alerts of new resources, meetings, and news relevant to the community to ocb_news@whoi.edu
Share your recently published work in our New OCB Research highlights- email us at ocb_news@whoi.edu for more information
Find upcoming meetings and funding deadlines on our Google Calendar.
Participate in an OCB Summer or Scoping Workshop
Nominate yourself and/or your colleagues for an OCB leadership position on a topical subcommittee (Ocean Time-Series, Biogeochemical ARGO) or the Scientific Steering Committee
Propose an OCB workshop or other activity: Every 1-2 years, we release a solicitation for OCB activity proposals (subscribe to the Ocean Carbon Exchange eNewsletter for alerts)
Share your OCB education and outreach materials for community use