Welcome to the Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry aka OCB! Read about our scientific focus areas, activities, and publications on each topical page:
- Changing Ocean Chemistry
- Ocean Carbon Uptake and Storage
- Estuarine and Coastal Carbon Fluxes
- Changing Marine Ecosystems
- Biological Pump
- Ocean Observatories
Ways to get involved
Sign up for the Ocean Carbon Exchange, our monthly eNewsletter
Follow us on social media
Send job, postdoc and student opportunity announcements, alerts of new resources, meetings, and news relevant to the community to ocb_news@whoi.edu
Share your recently published work in our New OCB Research highlights- email us at ocb_news@whoi.edu for more information
Participate in an OCB Summer or Scoping Workshop
Nominate yourself and/or your colleagues for an OCB leadership position on a topical subcommittee (Ocean Time-Series, Biogeochemical ARGO) or the Scientific Steering Committee
Propose an OCB workshop or other activity: Every 1-2 years, we release a solicitation for OCB activity proposals (subscribe to the Ocean Carbon Exchange eNewsletter for alerts)
Share your OCB education and outreach materials for community use