OCB Ocean Atmosphere Interaction Committee to host SOLAS Seminar IV – The ABCs of the sea surface microlayer: Aerosols, Bubbles, and Composition

OCB hosting SOLAS Seminar IV (part 2) - The ABCs of the sea surface microlayer: Aerosols, Bubbles, and Composition - February 10

This is a continuation of the SOLAS Seminar on Jan. 27 that had to be ended early due to a hacking incident. Presenter Luc Deike already gave an excellent presentation that was recorded and will be made available soon. In this second part of the seminar, we will hear from our other two presenters Andrew Wozniak and Sarah Brooks (details below).

The sea surface microlayer is an important interface controlling the transfer of energy, material and gases between the oceans and the atmosphere, and has been a primary focus of the SOLAS programme since its inception. The five SOLAS themes all include processes that affect and are affected by the sea-surface microlayer, including marine ecology, photochemistry, free radical/thermal chemistry, greenhouse gases and gas exchange, primary aerosol production, and atmospheric deposition. Therefore, the sea surface is one of five cross-cutting themes explored in the new United States SOLAS Science Plan, which was released in 2021. This seminar highlights some recent work at this exciting interface.

Watch the recording

SOLAS Seminar IV_Website Cover Image_part2


Untargeted, high resolution mass spectrometry for characterizing surfactant organic matter in the sea surface microlayer - Andrew Wozniak (School of Marine Science and Policy, University of Delaware, United States)

Influence of the sea surface microlayer composition on cloud formation - Sarah Brooks (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University, United States)

Ocean spray aerosols generation: From breaking waves to bursting bubbles - Luc Deike (Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, United States) - talk already given on January 27 (part 1, recording available soon)


Rachel Stanley (Department of Chemistry, Wellesley College, United States)

Yuan Gao (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, United States)

On behalf of the OCB Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Committee (OAIC)