The 2006 OCB Summer Workshop was held July 10-13, 2006 in Woods Hole, MA.
- Workshop Agenda
- Participant Information
- Workshop Report
1. Workshop Agenda
Monday, July 10, 2006
9:00 Welcome by Scott Doney
9:00-9:45 Agency updates
Atmosphere-Ocean CO2 exchange
Chair: Richard Feely
9:45 Taro Takahashi: Improved estimates for the climatological mean distribution of sea-air pCO2 difference and the net CO2 flux over the global oceans
10:45 Sara Mikaloff-Fletcher: Atmospheric and oceanic inverse modeling: What are the atmospheric and oceanic data telling us about air-sea CO2 fluxes?
11:30 Richard Feely: Interannual variability of the air-sea exchange of CO2: What we have learned so far from observations
12:15 Lunch and Posters
1:15 Scott Doney: Simulating interannual variability in global air-sea CO2 fluxes
2:00 Discussion on Air-Sea CO2 Flux session
2:30 Steve Emerson: Ocean biological productivity rates determined from in situ, remote oxygen measurements
Southern Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment and other Research Opportunities
Chair: David Glover
3:30 Short presentations followed by plenary discussion
- David Ho (GasEx-III)
- Tom Trull (ACE/CSIRO carbon research)
- Colm Sweeney (Bomb 14C) followed by plenary discussion
5:00 Reception
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Marine Ecosystem/Biogeochemical Dynamics
Chair: Kathy Barbeau
9:00 John Marra: Beyond assimilation numbers
9:45 Ken Buesseler: Carbon dynamics of the mesopelagic zone – results from VERTIGO
10:45 Mark Altabet: Climate change and the oceanic nitrogen cycle; forcings and possible feedbacks
11:30 Stephanie Dutkiewicz: Natural selection in a model ocean and a new approach to representing ocean ecosystems in biogeochemical models
12:15 Lunch and Posters
1:15 Jim Moffett: Is the Arabian Sea Fe limited?
2:00 Jim Bishop: Ensembles of observations: Biomass – flux coupling in the Southern Ocean
3:00 Gabrielle Rocap: The biological pump in the age of genomics
Ocean Acidification
Chair: Richard Feely
3:45-5:30 Short presentations followed by plenary discussion:
- Joan Kleypas
- Mark Eakin
- Vicki Fabry
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Marine Ecosystem/Biogeochemical Dynamics
Chair: Kathy Barbeau
9:00 Julie Morris, NSF
9:45 Mike Behrenfeld: Basin-scale expressions of nutrient stress in phytoplankton and implications toward carbon modeling
10:45 Aditee Mitra: How not to model the flow of carbon through planktonic predator-prey systems
11:30 Discussion on Marine Eco/BGC session
12:00 Lunch and Posters
1:00 Other research opportunities
- ORION (Mary-Elena Carr/Wade McGillis)
- EU CARBOOCEAN (Helmuth Thomas)
- HOT (Ricardo Letelier)
Ocean Carbon Dynamics and Climate
Chair: Jorge Sarmiento
2:00 Joellen Russell: The Southern Hemisphere westerlies in a warming world: propping open the door to the deep ocean
3:00 Naomi Levine: Detection and attribution of anthropogenic CO2 uptake on decadal time-scales
3:45 Keith Rodgers: Detection and Attribution of anthropogenic change in oceanic DIC: a test case for the North Pacific
4:30 Dierdre Toole: Open-ocean organic sulfur cycling: Light, DMS, and the climate feedback loop
5:15 Group Dinner on the Fenno Patio
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Ocean Carbon Dynamics and Climate (cont.)
Chair: Jorge Sarmiento
9:00 Robert Anderson: Calcium carbonate preservation in equatorial Pacific sediments: Harbinger of the next ice age?
9:45 Ed Laws: Oceans and human health: Impacts of climate change
10:45 Raffaele Ferrari: TBA
11:30 Ray Najjar: U.S. Eastern Continental Shelf Carbon Budget: Modeling, data assimilation, and analysis
12:15 End of meeting
2. Participant Information
2006 OCB Workshop Participant List
3. Workshop Report
2006 OCB Summer Workshop Report